March 11, 2009
“You humans have been very naughty. Ignoring your own long-term well-being for instant gratification. That is so Mars and Jupiter! Now you’re set on self-destruct, and it’s time for me to assert myself, so that you begin to take your long-term prospects into account when making decisions. Just to ensure that I get your attention, I’ve made an arrangement with Uranus. You can bet we’ll be sure to disrupt your lives until you shift your old, bad habits. And just in case you were in doubt as to my sincerity, you can expect to hear from me many times in the coming years. In celebration of my stay in Virgo, the first problems you must address are health care and the health of Planet Earth.”
So says Saturn, just in time for the peak in his yearly cycle, which occurred on March 8. Here are his talking points:
• Get real on health care. The current “fend for yourself” health care offered in the US right now is a massive drain on the economy and couldn’t be more inefficient. The health insurance industry has brought us all to our knees. Health insurance premiums have gone up 20% in the past year, and the insurance companies are digging in, refusing to recognize, or care about, the massive inequities in how healthcare is doled out in this country. (Reported by Ed Schultz, 3/10/09)
• Don’t use the economic downturn as a reason to put off health care reform. It is a primary reason for the downturn, and as people lose their jobs, the numbers of uninsured will skyrocket. This is a disaster waiting to happen. It will place a crushing economic burden on state and local governments to fill in the gap. The current health care system is a disincentive for travelers. Many who could travel to the US and pump valuable dollars into the American economy will not because they fear for their financial well-being if they should experience illness or injury while in the States. Many American citizens find it cheaper and just as supportive of their health to go to foreign countries for health care. The time for health care reform is now.
• It’s also time to take responsibility for your own health. Those who leave their health in the hands of another person and completely abdicate their responsibilities will suffer more and experience poorer health. This means eating well, exercising, and knowing as much as you can about what makes your body work the way it does. Passively letting your doctor tell you what to do on the basis of tests will no longer cut it. You need to stand up for yourself, become informed, and make your own health care decisions with you as the lead member and most active proponent of your health care team. According to the Gallup-Healthways Project, Americans are eating fewer healthy foods, exercising less, and increasing unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking since the economic downturn began last year. Now, anyone can tell you that fruits and vegetables are cheaper than cigarettes and alcohol, and a walk around the block is free. If you recognize yourself making unhealthy choices, it’s time to get back on the bandwagon.
• Get off the gas-guzzlers. Sure, maybe you can’t do it now, but if you have two cars, drive the one that is more fuel-efficient when only one car is needed. Walk or bike when possible (this gives you a two-fer, since you’re getting exercise too). But don’t think for a minute that your responsibility ends here. The biggest polluters are in business and industry. Seek out the polluters and help them see the errors of their ways.
Saturn has indicated that he will issue more memos in the future. He will be watching and sending signals to each of us. Don’t forget that his current companion, Uranus, has the ability to shock us into new awareness if we are lagging behind the curve.
C’mon! You know this is good for you! Remember Saturn’s mantra, “Think long term, think long term.” You’ll get rewards that stick with you, provide the foundation for your next enterprise. How bad is it if you have great health? What’s not to like?
Saturn promises an update on how we’re doing on April 5, with a new global bulletin on May 16.
© Terry Lamb
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